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MINIZZ.COM Mini Radiocontrol: Kyosho Mini-Z Racer F1 AWD 4x4 Overland Monster Xray 1:18: Forums

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Overland Custom Work

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Minizetero novato
Minizetero novato

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Ubicación: washinton, d.c. USA

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 1:15 am    Asunto: Overland Custom Work Responder citando

please forgive me posting in english.

i spend most of my time while not playing with my mini z's making custom parts for them. i have had a lot of sucess with lights and overland accessories like roof racks and light bars for hte roof racks.
here is some of my work:

i apologize for all the pictures. they might take awhile to see unless you have a broadband/high speed internet connection

i have documented all my work in my albums such as the custom work album:
parts and chassis:
how to make a roof rack:
mr-02 enzo ferrari:
Toyota Vitz RS:
Mitsubishi Pajero Paris-Dakar Rally #200
Chevrolet Corvette C5-R 2000:
Toyota Land Cruiser Paris-Dakar Rally #239:
Toyota Altezza 280T:
Mitsubishi Pajero Paris-Dakar Rally #201:
au Cerumo Toyota Supra:
Toyota Land Cruiser:
Dodge Viper GTS-R:
Dodge Viper Eclipse Taisan AD:
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MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 1:30 am    Asunto: Guauuuu Responder citando


Este tio ha personalizado hasta la matrícula del Pajero!!!!

Imposible de superar
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Minizetero novato
Minizetero novato

Mensajes: 56
Valoración: +0/-0
Ubicación: washinton, d.c. USA

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 1:34 am    Asunto: Responder citando

the monster pajero is very fun to play with! the larger wheels allow it to go places stock wheels would never allow such as sand and grass. it is recommended to have a fet upgrade (internal turbo) of atleast 2x2 when using monster wheels and tires as the extra power used has burnt the fet's on many member's pcb's (electronics)
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
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Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 2:10 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

What a cool cars man!!!
I think i´ve seen them before in another page (guess miniz racer). I saw several pics of your rides thru sand, mud, even snow... those brighty lits give the cars an awesome look, for real. Here in Spain we´ve also tried big foot Tamiya tyres for our Overlands (can see my URL: [/url][/url] ). But handles poorly in tiny spaces and needs smaller pinions for climbing.
I´ve never tried posting an image, gonna try:


See ya!!
Ride Red
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
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Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 2:12 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

Another try:

Ride Red
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
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Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 2:15 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

DAMN!!! Could any1 explain me hoe the hell i can post my pics?? Thanx
Joder!!!Podría alguien explicarme como meter las fotos?? Pleeeeease
Ride Red
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
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Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 2:20 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

Sorry, arch2b, where do you get the chrome wheels? Look smaller and cooler than the Tamiya ones.
Ride Red
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Mensajes: 2695
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Ubicación: Carabanchel (Madrid)

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 8:22 pm    Asunto: Imagenes Responder citando

Para que salga la imagen basta con poner esto:


Pero si pongo esa dirección en el navegador me sale una página de error de geocities
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
Valoración: +24/-0
Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Dom Oct 05, 2003 10:23 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

gracias edu, es lo que yo ponía, pero debe estar mal el enlace.
Ride Red
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Minizetero novato
Minizetero novato

Mensajes: 56
Valoración: +0/-0
Ubicación: washinton, d.c. USA

MensajePublicado: Mar Oct 07, 2003 1:22 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

McCrash59 escribió:
Sorry, arch2b, where do you get the chrome wheels? Look smaller and cooler than the Tamiya ones.

i'm sorry i can't say. they were given to me in exchange for some custom parts.
the monster style overlands are best used outdoors. the large tires limit the turning radius so you would need a large area to compensate for the larger turning circle. i have 2 overlands, one monster pajero (with mini-zracer z130-a-bb armature, bb can, neo magnets and 2x2 fet stack) that i run outdoors all the time and my land cruiser (stock electronics, x-speed motor) that i run around the house (outdoors sometimes). this gives me a greater range of surfaces to enjoy as well as driving style's. i hope to get another overland (x5 or mercedes?) and setup for racing with kyosho's lowdown shock set, 2x3 fet stack (internal turbo) and fast motor.
HalfEight.Com - Epoch1-43.Com - TinyRC.Com - Mini-ZRacer.Com - YourMicro.Com
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Gurú de los Mini-Z
Gurú de los Mini-Z

Mensajes: 289
Valoración: +24/-0
Ubicación: Madrid

MensajePublicado: Mar Oct 07, 2003 10:37 pm    Asunto: Responder citando

Yeep, monster tires are a blast at outsides. I brought my "Overwhatever" to da 1/8 tt track and i had tons of fun hitting the whoop section, everyone laughs whilst the beast is running. I´ve got a lot of minizs but i just keep the Overland w me, i love it, this car will last much longer than others ( i´m a compulsive buyer-seller). Now is just a self queen till the main gear arrives from HK, with the xspeed the gear got wear in less than 10 min.
I´m waiting the brand new Losi miniT, i know is bigger but just thinking about this car with a decent motor and electronics know whata mean...

See ya!!!
Ride Red
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